Saturday, September 8, 2012

Failing to see the good in things..

I am sad to announce that yet another promise has been broken.

The promise being that this would be the best Christmas ever.

Joshua will not be home for Christmas. (For = on, in my mind.. he says he will be home for Christmas, just not on Christmas.)

I know I should be grateful that he gets to come home at all, but my Christmas is ruined. I also know that it's only ruined if I let it be. But this is the second time I have had something ripped out from under me, and this time I just cannot find the positive side.

He will not be able to come home until the week after Christmas, more than likely.. which means.. I will be back at school and have had no time to relax and enjoy his being home.

As I told him, I would suggest he come home before Christmas, but I want him to be home for New Years. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.