Today was my 19th birthday, and I couldn't really care less.
I was not excited about my birthday this year. I do not know if it was the fact that Josh is not here, or what.
I'm not the only one that didn't care either.
I received ZERO cards in the mail, which is a first. I did however get something I had bought off eBay, so that was nice. I got two cards this year.. I'm not really complaining, but it kinda makes me feel like crap.
Lots of people wished me happy birthday on Facebook though. Some even added in that they hoped I had an amazing day, or something along those lines. I posted a picture.. ---------------------------------------------------->>>
and well, my facade worked. Lunch wasn't all that great, I should have thought of a pedicure sooner.. That would have been better. Yes I got free dessert, which is why I wanted to go out to lunch in the first place.. not because I am fat or greedy but because I had never gotten free dessert on my birthday.
Anyway, today was just another day to me. Nothing special happened. I got criticized for doing my hair and make up, for no reason other than wanting to look nice on my birthday. My boyfriend didn't even verbally wish me a happy birthday. (Which may be because the previous day when talking about something else I had said I wanted him to post nice, cute, romantic, whatever stuff on my wall. So.. that's what he did.)
Sigh, today was just a major let down. I wish someone would have thrown me a surprise party.